Thursday 27 November 2008

The Rehearsal Process

I went to my first rehearsal last week without really a strong idea of what i was meant to be doing while i was there, but it soon became apparent that i just needed to always be around, getting and finding things the actors needed to perform with, and holding puppets and gels in front of the lights for Mark, Tina and the cast to look at. Often i felt like i wanted to see the effects of the puppets being held up, but i realised that at this particular moment, it's not important, essentially, for me to get what i want. I almost had to be invisible in rehearsals until i was asked for advice or asked to get a prop, costume, etc. I found the rehearsals quite interesting as i hadn't seen how the play was going so far, and having only read the script i hadn't seen who was acting in what part. Having seen who was acting as Trinculo, and how they were playing the part i got a fairly good idea of how to dress him, and on speaking to Tina before we started pulling some costume, we decided we were going to go with britches, a shirt and a waistcoat sort of outfit.

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